• German Machine Tool Builders' Association
  • vdw@vdw.de
  • +49 69 756081-0
Dr. Markus Heering to join VDW executive team as of May 2023

Dr. Markus Heering to join VDW executive team as of May 2023
Dr. Markus Heering to join VDW executive team as...
Dr. Markus Heering to join VDW executive team as of May 2023

Markus Heering has a great deal of experience with trade fairs, as he and his associations have acted as institutional patrons for the drupa, security and formnext. Other key elements of his career have been the development of VDMA activities in the field of additive manufacturing within the relevan...
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During today's EMO media meeting at the IMTS in Chicago

EMO Hannover 2023 – Digitalization and automation solutions for industrial production in US
EMO Hannover 2023 – Digitalization and automation solutions for...
EMO Hannover 2023 – Digitalization and automation solutions for industrial production in US

"The US cannot meet all its own demand for manufacturing technology. As the second largest market, with a consumption of 9 billion euros at last count, the United States imports almost half of its demand," explained Dr. Wilfried Schäfer, Executive Director of EMO organizer VDW (German Machine Tool B...
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