Press Photos and Picture Database
So as to support your reporting on VDW and the German machine tool industry, we will be pleased to make available to you pictures and photos for editorial use. Please make sure you always give the correct source attribution(s). We would very much appreciate it if after publication you could send us a link or a courtesy copy of your coverage for our archives.
You will always find press material for covering our NORTEC and EMO Hannover trade fairs on the website of the fair in question. For photos, audio contributions and videos on EMO Hannover, please follow this link. You can retrieve press photos on NORTEC here.
Alfred Hillinger, head of design at Hainbuch GmbH: “The VDMA standard sheet gives us a full and comprehensive basis that minimises typical interface problems.” Photo: Hainbuch
Dr. Volker Wittstock, Professorship of Machine Tool Design and Forming Technology, TU Chemnitz: “Tests with our trainees revealed that they had problems fastening the chuck to the lathe as this was a task they did not have to perform very often.” Photo: Fecht
Carl Martin Welcker, EMO General Commissioner, (r) and Dr. Wilfried Schäfer, CEO of the EMO event organizer VDW (German Machine Tool Builders’ Association), looking back on a successful EMO Hannover 2019.
Visitors from Asia, particularly India, China, Japan and Taiwan, made up almost one third of foreign visitors this year.
Carl Martin Welcker, EMO General Commissioner, (r) and Dr. Wilfried Schäfer, CEO of the EMO event organizer VDW (German Machine Tool Builders’ Association), looking back on a successful EMO Hannover 2019.
The EMO motto: “Smart technologies driving tomorrow’s production” accurately anticipated the key themes at EMO Hannover 2019.
From 16 to 21 September, round about 117,000 international production specialists from 150 countries convened at EMO Hannover 2019.
Grouppicture: Andrea Janssen
EMO Hannover (16. bis 21. September 2019)
Polyurethane timing belt destroyed by influence of cooling lubricant Photo: VDW
Forum New Technologies_EMO2019_Quelle-Deutsche-Messe-AGformat.
Forum New Technologies_EMO2019_Quelle-Deutsche-Messe-AG.