Press Photos and Picture Database
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You will always find press material for covering our NORTEC and EMO Hannover trade fairs on the website of the fair in question. For photos, audio contributions and videos on EMO Hannover, please follow this link. You can retrieve press photos on NORTEC here.
Göbel, Martin – VDW
METAV Web-Sessions.
Horn’s JET-whirling process – developed for the production of high-precision, dimensionally stable bone screws made of titanium and stainless steel – extends tool life and prevents chip accumulation. Photo: Paul Horn
Horn’s JET-whirling process – developed for the production of high-precision, dimensionally stable bone screws made of titanium and stainless steel – extends tool life and prevents chip accumulation.
Christian Thiele, Press Spokesman at Hartmetall-Werkzeugfabrik Paul Horn GmbH, Tübingen. Photo: Paul Horn
Additive manufacturing processes offer great potential for medical technology, especially in cases where the post-processing stage can be automated. The picture shows an autonomous, robot-supported post-processing cell from the Fraunhofer companies’ Future AM project for the removal of support structures and the creation of target geometries. Photo: Fraunhofer IWU
Christian Rotsch is Head of the Medical Engineering Department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology (IWU), Dresden/Chemnitz Photo: Fraunhofer IWU
Combined-process automation cell for medical technology: Exeron’s manufacturing combination including milling, die-sinking EDM, cleaning and measurement, incorporating Erowa zero point clamping system and Certa Systems process control system. Photo: Exeron
Udo Baur, Sales Manager for Germany and Europe at Exeron GmbH, Oberndorf am Neckar. Photo: Exeron
New METAV date: the international fair for metalworking technologies will be held from 23 to 26 March 2021.
New METAV date: the international fair for metalworking technologies will be held from 23 to 26 March 2021.
Götz Görisch, Technik und Forschung, Verein Deutscher Werkzeugmaschinenfabriken e.V. (VDW), Frankfurt/Main, © Uwe Nölke,, +49 6173 321413, alle Rechte vorbehalten.
“All digital options have to be rigorously implemented – from the tool itself, then the tool-holder, including the clamping operation and balancing, all the way through to tool presetting and deployment on the machine,” to quote Andreas Haimer, General Manager at Haimer GmbH. Photo: Haimer
“In digital production operations, too, the metal-cutting process as such is still crucially influenced by the tool in terms of component quality and cost-efficiency,” emphasises Dr. Steffen Lang, who heads the Service Division at Gühring KG. Photo: Gühring
“The companies save time, money and resources by digitalising their production operations,” says Bernd Schwennig, Technical Sales Manager at E. Zoller GmbH & Co. KG. Photo: Zoller
“All digital options have to be rigorously implemented – from the tool itself, then the tool-holder, including the clamping operation and balancing, all the way through to tool presetting and deployment on the machine,” to quote Andreas Haimer, General Manager at Haimer GmbH. Photo: Haimer