Press Photos and Picture Database
So as to support your reporting on VDW and the German machine tool industry, we will be pleased to make available to you pictures and photos for editorial use. Please make sure you always give the correct source attribution(s). We would very much appreciate it if after publication you could send us a link or a courtesy copy of your coverage for our archives.
You will always find press material for covering our NORTEC and EMO Hannover trade fairs on the website of the fair in question. For photos, audio contributions and videos on EMO Hannover, please follow this link. You can retrieve press photos on NORTEC here.
“All digital options have to be rigorously implemented – from the tool itself, then the tool-holder, including the clamping operation and balancing, all the way through to tool presetting and deployment on the machine,” to quote Andreas Haimer, General Manager at Haimer GmbH. Photo: Haimer
More than a tool dispensing system: the GTMS enables machine interfacing, networking and data evaluation to be controlled. For maximised transparency in the production process. Photo: Gühring
The combined presetting and shrink-fit device Haimer Microset VIO linear toolshrink has Industry 4.0 capability, and can be integrated into digital processes without any problems. Photo: Haimer
The most important factor for optimal tool deployment is properly updated tool data. Without tool data, for example, digitally aided inventory management is inconceivable. Photo: Zoller
Pressconference 2020
VDW: Dr. Wilfred Schäfer
Dr. Prokop VDW Vorsitzende VDW
VDW Press conference 2020
VDW Press conference 2020
VDW Press conference 2020
VDW Press conference 2020
VDW Press conference 2020
Cybersecurity Congress at the METAV 2020 in Düsseldorf
safety engineering on cutting machine tools Photo: Fotolia
Dr. Volker Wittschock is a research assistant in the Professorship of Machine Tool Design and Forming Technology at Chemnitz University of Technology.
Christian Adler is head of the testing and certification body for surface technology and lifting tackle of the BGHM trade association in Hanover.