• German Machine Tool Builders' Association
  • vdw@vdw.de
  • +49 69 756081-0

Press Releases

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Order Intake of the German Machine Tool Industry Q4 2018

Order bookings shrink in the German machine tool industry
Order bookings shrink in the German machine tool industry
Order bookings shrink in the German machine tool industry

In the fourth quarter of 2018, order bookings at the German machine tool industry fell by 13 per cent compared to the preceding year’s equivalent period. Domestic orders slumped by 28 per cent. Orders from abroad were down by four per cent. For 2018, the overall rise was one per cent. Domestic order...
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“The next important milestone for umati is the presentation of a more extensive showcase at EMO Hannover 2019', Broos from VDW announces.

Full throttle towards a common language for machine tools
Full throttle towards a common language for machine tools
Full throttle towards a common language for machine tools

umati (universal machine tool interface) moves one step ahead towards becoming a generally accepted standard. VDW, the German Machine Tool Builders’ Association and the OPC Foundation establish a so-called Joint Working Group. Interested parties are cordially invited to participate with immediate ef...
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