Doomed to fail without AI?
Doomed to fail without AI?
Doomed to fail without AI?
The headline is intentionally provocative. According to a 2018 study by Boston Consulting, China, Japan and the USA have been upgrading their artificial intelligence (AI) systems for some time now, meaning that Europe urgently needs to take action. Prof. Jörg Krüger, Head of the Industrial Automatio...
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All major control suppliers support umati
All major control suppliers support umati
All major control suppliers support umati
umati, universal machine tool interface, has chalked up further major successes on its way to becoming an internationally recognised standard interface for machine tool communication with higher-level IT systems. "Our newly founded OPC UA Joint Working Group (JWG) started work in mid-February, and w...
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High-quality sensor data is a crucial requirement for Industry 4.0
High-quality sensor data is a crucial requirement for Industry...
High-quality sensor data is a crucial requirement for Industry 4.0
The use of appropriate sensor technology in production is a basic prerequisite for the implementation of Industry 4.0. It collects data on process and machine status as it arises and makes it available for various process-relevant information services and workflows. However, the costs of sensor tech...
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Order bookings shrink in the German machine tool industry
Order bookings shrink in the German machine tool industry
Order bookings shrink in the German machine tool industry
In the fourth quarter of 2018, order bookings at the German machine tool industry fell by 13 per cent compared to the preceding year’s equivalent period. Domestic orders slumped by 28 per cent. Orders from abroad were down by four per cent. For 2018, the overall rise was one per cent. Domestic order...
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Metalworking inspired by the stars: Astrophysicists looking to optimise milling
Metalworking inspired by the stars: Astrophysicists looking to optimise...
Metalworking inspired by the stars: Astrophysicists looking to optimise milling
Recently, even astrophysicists have started taking an interest in EMO Hannover. Garching-based Dr. Theo Steininger and Dr. Maksim Greiner, former PhD students at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching, have developed Artificial Intelligence (AI) software that makes use of the latest s...
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Clever reactions to smart mixed constructions
Clever reactions to smart mixed constructions
Clever reactions to smart mixed constructions
The times of using just one material in lightweight construction are now over. In demand now are intelligent, mixed construction methods – based on layers of plastic, aluminium or steel, for example. But how can hybrid components, the properties of which change with each layer of material, be machin...
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EMO-Logo in 3D: a unique specimen for the EMO World Tour
EMO-Logo in 3D: a unique specimen for the EMO...
EMO-Logo in 3D: a unique specimen for the EMO World Tour
The EMO Hannover World Tour begins in mid-January 2019. Start is Vietnam. The next stops are Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. This will be followed by 35 further events in 30 countries until June. Representatives of the EMO organiser VDW (Ger-man Machine Tool Builders’ Association) and its cooperat...
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Digital fitness regime for machinists
Digital fitness regime for machinists
Digital fitness regime for machinists
Machinists are getting used to the new terminology. Tool manufacturers and their users are now familiar with digital twins, the cloud and the smart evaluation of Big Data. All this is happening in response to the "Industrial Internet of Things IIoT" – one of the key themes of EMO Hannover 2019.
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EMO Hannover 2019 on the right track
EMO Hannover 2019 on the right track
EMO Hannover 2019 on the right track
By 01 December of this year, 1,780 exhibitors from 41 countries had registered for the upcoming EMO Hannover 2019. Anyone can view the online list of exhibitors at www.emo-hannover.de.
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US boom boosting demand for machine tools
US boom boosting demand for machine tools
US boom boosting demand for machine tools
The USA: El Dorado for the machine tool industry? According to the US Association for Manufacturing Technology, the level of orders received by the industry in the USA rose by 27 per cent to EUR 3.4 billion in the first three quarters of the year. In September alone, orders shot up by 50 per cent. A...
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