• German Machine Tool Builders' Association
  • vdw@vdw.de
  • +49 69 756081-0

Press Releases

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German machine tool manufacturers score highly in South Korea
German machine tool manufacturers score highly in South Korea
German machine tool manufacturers score highly in South Korea

In contrast to the German football team in the world cup match a few weeks ago, the German machine tool industry has scored highly in the tiger nation of South Korea. 14 prestigious German machine tool manufacturers met with keen interest on 3 July 2018 in the metropolis of Busan. 170 Korean custome...
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Dr. Wilfried Schäfer, Executive Director German Machine Tool Builders’ Association (VDW), Frankfurt am Main

German manufacturers of forming technology hit the ground running
German manufacturers of forming technology hit the ground running
German manufacturers of forming technology hit the ground running

Frankfurt am Main, 8 May 2018. – In the first quarter of 2018, order bookings at the German manufacturers of forming technology rose by 23 per cent in comparison to the previous year’s equivalent period. Domestic orders increased by 26 per cent. Export orders were up by 21 per cent.
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EMO Hannover (18. bis 23. September 2017) - Weltleitmesse der Metallbearbeitung. mav industrie 4.0 area: Experten präsentieren Praxislösungen zur Digitalisierung Ihrer Fertigung (FRAUNHOFER IPA, Halle 25, Stand B60WGP

Smart technologies are driving tomorrow’s production
Smart technologies are driving tomorrow’s production
Smart technologies are driving tomorrow’s production

The EMO Hannover 2019, the world’s premier trade fair for the metalworking industry, will be held from 16 to 21 September under the motto of “Smart technologies driving tomorrow’s production”. It will thus be concentrating on the current paradigm shift in industrial production operations, which are ...
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