The machine tool as a model for the circular economy
The machine tool as a model for the circular...
The machine tool as a model for the circular economy
The circular economy, which Brussels has recently started promoting, is a pillar of the Green Deal and is to be introduced in all sectors. Machine tools have been role models for this model for many decades.
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Retaining value, conserving resources
Retaining value, conserving resources
Retaining value, conserving resources
A service life of 20 or 30 years is not uncommon for these machines. But in these times of retrofitting and remanufacturing, does it even make sense to talk of the "end of life"?
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Digital lifecycle file for the circular economy
Digital lifecycle file for the circular economy
Digital lifecycle file for the circular economy
The open source tool ReCIrcE is designed to use AI to make material cycles more transparent and thus optimize waste separation and digital lifecycle records.
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