Blog & Technical Papers
VDW’s team comprises experts in their respective specialist fields who actively contribute their knowledge and expertise to numerous national and international contexts. They provide valuable information on ongoing trends, industry news, and captivating events, although the intervals may vary. Of particular interest are the specialist articles related to our trade fairs, namely NORTEC and EMO Hannover, which offer well-founded insights into the latest developments within the German machine tool industry and its surrounding ecosystem.

Dr. Broos explains “Connectivity for Industry 4.0” to Chinese media
Dr. Broos explains “Connectivity for Industry 4.0” to Chinese...
Dr. Broos explains “Connectivity for Industry 4.0” to Chinese media
Dr. Broos, VDW’s expert on technology and standardization, explained our initiative of a common language for machine tools in an interview with Hoisting and Conveying Machinery. The sectoral project “Connectivity for Industry 4.0” reaches Chinese media. Click here to watch …
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When laser lettering disturbs concentricity
When laser lettering disturbs concentricity
When laser lettering disturbs concentricity
Even though the digital transformation is increasingly revolutionising all areas of the METAV 2018, one thing is certain: even today’s digitalised metalworker is still earning his money with a blade. The crucial considerations applying for micro-tools used in tool and mould construction are outlined...
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Design or non-design: form and function follow ergonomics and operator language
Design or non-design: form and function follow ergonomics and...
Design or non-design: form and function follow ergonomics and operator language
What role does design play nowadays in machine tool manufacture? Does the principle of “form follows function” still apply – or is function sometimes being downgraded in perceived importance in favour of an aesthetically pleasing form? Besides upgraded functionalities, the METAV 2018 in Düsseldorf w...
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Intelligent software solutions master metrological tasks
Intelligent software solutions master metrological tasks
Intelligent software solutions master metrological tasks
The challenges entailed by the omnipresent Industry 4.0 hype are immense: integration into flexible manufacturing processes, assuring process stability and production quality. Metrological technology has a particularly exacting remit in this context: fewer measurements in the measuring room – more m...
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Quality Area at the METAV 2018: processes digitally under control
Quality Area at the METAV 2018: processes digitally under...
Quality Area at the METAV 2018: processes digitally under control
The motivations for visiting the Quality Area at the METAV 2018 are many and varied, but at present plenty of visitors are primrily interested in one topic: how can the quality of their processes be improved with digitalisation? What small and mid-tier companies (SMEs), especially, should bear in mi...
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Virtual image: the digital twin
Virtual image: the digital twin
Virtual image: the digital twin
Industry 4.0, digitalised da ta in the cloud, networked processes in smart factories – what role does the metal-cutting tool play in this context? The METAV 2018 in Düsseldorf will provide practicable examples for financially viable implementation. “Just as with every real metal-cutting process the ...
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