Following all the excitement surrounding the Building Energy Act, the ambitious climate targets almost seem to have been forgotten. It is not merely a matter of making individual adjustments, rather of putting the economy and society as a whole on a climate neutral footing. Industrial processes, which are directly or indirectly responsible for more than a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions, offer great potential here. “And there’s a lot more to it than simply offsetting carbon emissions through reforestation,” says Prof. Matthias Weigold, Head of the Institute of Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools (PTW) at TU Darmstadt. “As engineers, we have to come up with better solutions,” he believes.


Weigold is the presenter of the July edition of Let’s Talk Science and is keen to raise awareness among companies of how technological solutions have a crucial role to play in successfully combating climate change. The focus is on minimizing and substituting carbon emissions. Pointing to existing best-practices in the machine environment, he will be highlighting the technical areas with potential in his presentation.


Transparency is an important prerequisite for minimizing climate-damaging greenhouse gases. This is where carbon footprinting comes in. “It will be the next big thing because the requirements set out in the European Union’s CSR Directive are so complex and bureaucratic,” Weigold says. “However, automation and standardization can render the requirements manageable, even for medium-sized companies,” he adds. He will be discussing with the participants in detail how this can be done, and will be explicitly addressing the needs of international companies.


How far along the road to climate-neutral production are you?


Register now to discover the opportunities and to discuss with the representatives of other companies to find out what action they are taking:

Let’s Talk Science, 26 July 2023, 11:30 to 12:30; talk in English with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Weigold, Head of the Institute of Production Management, Technology and Machine Tools (PTW) at TU Darmstadt.

