• German Machine Tool Builders' Association
  • vdw@vdw.de
  • +49 69 756081-0
“The next important milestone for umati is the presentation of a more extensive showcase at EMO Hannover 2019', Broos from VDW announces.

Full throttle towards a common language for machine tools
Full throttle towards a common language for machine tools
Full throttle towards a common language for machine tools

umati (universal machine tool interface) moves one step ahead towards becoming a generally accepted standard. VDW, the German Machine Tool Builders’ Association and the OPC Foundation establish a so-called Joint Working Group. Interested parties are cordially invited to participate with immediate ef...
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Order intake forming machine tool industry Q3/2018: forming technology once again the main driving force

German forming technology manufacturers maintaining record order levels
German forming technology manufacturers maintaining record order levels
German forming technology manufacturers maintaining record order levels

Orders received by German forming technology manufacturers were 14 per cent up in the third quarter of 2018. Orders from Germany rose by 12 per cent whereas those from abroad were up by 16 per cent. Orders increased by 12 per cent in the first nine months of the year. Domestic orders grew by 20 per ...
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Order bookings for German forming technology

German manufacturers of forming technology maintain record order level
German manufacturers of forming technology maintain record order level
German manufacturers of forming technology maintain record order level

In the second quarter of 2018, order bookings at German manufacturers of forming technology maintained the preceding year’s level. Domestic orders were up by 22 per cent, while exports fell by ten per cent. In the first half of the current year, order bookings rose by eleven per cent. Domestic order...
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VDW Verein Deutscher Werkzeugmaschinenfabriken e.V., Frankfurt/Main, 11.und 12. April 2018 © Uwe Nölke, look@team-uwe-noelke.de, +49 6173 321413, alle Rechte vorbehalten. Die Verwendung dieses Bildes ist für redaktionelle Berichterstattung honorarfrei. Veröffentlichung nur mit Quellenangabe: Bild: Uwe Nölke / team-uwe-noelke.de

German machine tool industry maintains record order level
German machine tool industry maintains record order level
German machine tool industry maintains record order level

In the second quarter of 2018, order bookings in the German machine tool industry increased by two per cent compared to the preceding year’s equivalent period. Domestic orders were up by 29 per cent, while export orders fell by nine per cent. In the first half of this year, order bookings rose by tw...
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Die METAV 2018 – 20. Internationale Messe für Technologien der Metallbearbeitung findet vom 20. bis 24. Februar in Düsseldorf statt. 560 Aussteller aus 24 Ländern, darunter 56 Erstaussteller, zeigen das komplette Spektrum der Fertigungstechnik. Schwerpunkte sind Werkzeugmaschinen, Fertigungssysteme, Präzisionswerkzeuge, automatisierter Materialfluss, Computertechnologie, Industrieelektronik und Zubehör. Hinzu kommen die neuen Themen Moulding, Medical, Additive Manufacturing und Quality. Zur Besucherzielgruppe der METAV gehören alle Industriezweige, die Metall bearbeiten, insbesondere der Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, die Automobil- und Zulieferindustrie, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Elektroindustrie, Energie- und Medizintechnik, der Werkzeug- und Formenbau sowie Metallbearbeitung und Handwerk. | The METAV 2018 – the 20th International Exhibition for Metalworking Technologies – will be held in Düsseldorf from 20 to 24 February. 560 exhibitors from 24 countries, among them 56 first-time exhibitors, showcase the entire spectrum of production technology. The principal focuses are machine tools, production systems, high-precision tools, automated material flows, computer technology, industrial electronics, and accessories, complemented by the new themes of Moulding, Medical, Additive Manufacturing and Quality. The METAV’s target group for visitors includes all branches of industry that work metal, particularly machinery and plant manufacturers, the automotive industry and its component suppliers, aerospace, the electrical engineering industry, energy and medical technologies, tool and mould-making, plus metalworking and the craft sector.

Wide range of innovative technological highlights at METAV 2018
Wide range of innovative technological highlights at METAV 2018
Wide range of innovative technological highlights at METAV 2018

Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, July 2018. - This year's METAV was held from 20 to 24 February in Düsseldorf, where more than 500 exhibitors presented their innovative technologies. The core theme of the event is metalworking, but digitalisation and networking were again given their own spotlight in ...
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