Full throttle towards a common language for machine tools
Full throttle towards a common language for machine tools
Full throttle towards a common language for machine tools
umati (universal machine tool interface) moves one step ahead towards becoming a generally accepted standard. VDW, the German Machine Tool Builders’ Association and the OPC Foundation establish a so-called Joint Working Group. Interested parties are cordially invited to participate with immediate ef...
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German forming technology manufacturers maintaining record order levels
German forming technology manufacturers maintaining record order levels
German forming technology manufacturers maintaining record order levels
Orders received by German forming technology manufacturers were 14 per cent up in the third quarter of 2018. Orders from Germany rose by 12 per cent whereas those from abroad were up by 16 per cent. Orders increased by 12 per cent in the first nine months of the year. Domestic orders grew by 20 per ...
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German machine tool industry on course for record year
German machine tool industry on course for record year
German machine tool industry on course for record year
Orders received by the German machine tool industry in the third quarter of 2018 were 2 per cent down on the same period last year. Orders from Germany fell by 1 per cent whereas those from abroad were down by 2 per cent. Orders increased by 7 per cent in the first nine months of the year. Domestic ...
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Fast and environment-friendly coating
Fast and environment-friendly coating
Fast and environment-friendly coating
The new process for extreme high-speed laser deposition welding (Ehla) is a genuine success story: intensive development in Aachen from 2012, consistent implementation and testing of the system technology in the Netherlands followed by industrial implementation in China. And on 21 September 2018, th...
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Mobilising maintenance through digitalisation
Mobilising maintenance through digitalisation
Mobilising maintenance through digitalisation
Digitalisation is increasingly making inroads into maintenance, too. A few years ago the word maintenance immediately evoked an image of a man wearing blue overalls: today, however, it is increasingly characterised by digital services and mobile devices such as tablets and data glasses. Exhibitors w...
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Connectivity initiative leads to first applications
Connectivity initiative leads to first applications
Connectivity initiative leads to first applications
VDW Chairman Dr. Heinz-Jürgen Prokop unveiled the new umati brand at AMB Stuttgart. This should give greater visibility to the industry initiative Connectivity for Industry 4.0 which was launched exactly one year ago during EMO Hannover 2017. The initiative is also presenting the first applications ...
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German manufacturers of forming technology maintain record order level
German manufacturers of forming technology maintain record order level
German manufacturers of forming technology maintain record order level
In the second quarter of 2018, order bookings at German manufacturers of forming technology maintained the preceding year’s level. Domestic orders were up by 22 per cent, while exports fell by ten per cent. In the first half of the current year, order bookings rose by eleven per cent. Domestic order...
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German machine tool industry maintains record order level
German machine tool industry maintains record order level
German machine tool industry maintains record order level
In the second quarter of 2018, order bookings in the German machine tool industry increased by two per cent compared to the preceding year’s equivalent period. Domestic orders were up by 29 per cent, while export orders fell by nine per cent. In the first half of this year, order bookings rose by tw...
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EMO Hannover 2019 in the starting blocks!
EMO Hannover 2019 in the starting blocks!
EMO Hannover 2019 in the starting blocks!
The starting shot has been fired for EMO Hannover 2019. The invitation and registration documents for the world's leading metalworking trade fair are currently being sent out to around 60 countries. "We contact almost every company in the world that does international business and that has some conn...
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Wide range of innovative technological highlights at METAV 2018
Wide range of innovative technological highlights at METAV 2018
Wide range of innovative technological highlights at METAV 2018
Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, July 2018. - This year's METAV was held from 20 to 24 February in Düsseldorf, where more than 500 exhibitors presented their innovative technologies. The core theme of the event is metalworking, but digitalisation and networking were again given their own spotlight in ...
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